voiceofsandiego.org is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit charitable organization. Financial support from people like you help us continue to be a leading source of news and commentary about San Diego area government, the performing arts, our schools and our neighborhoods.

In June 2006, our goal is to raise $10,000 and 100 new memberships. If we achieve that goal, our Board of Directors will match what is raised! When you donate $100 or more to voiceofsandiego.org, you will receive four guest passes from UltraStar Cinemas*. Thank you to UltraStar Cinemas for their sponsorship of this membership campaign, and thank you in advance for your support of voiceofsandiego.org!

Your financial support underwrites voiceofsandiego.org’s independent news reporting and in-depth analysis you find everyday on our Web site. This includes:

  • hiring additional reporters to cover more topics that are of interest to our readers
  • the ability to add more resources, time, and energy to the areas we currently cover, and
  • technology initiatives to support our full-time, online news production and distribution operation

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