State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez and San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher embrace while waiting for election results on June 5, 2018. / Photo by Adriana Heldiz

Two of San Diego’s most influential politicians joined us this week for a special podcast episode. Since they’re married, we thought it would be interesting if they came in together.

Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez is perhaps the most high-profile elected Democrat in town, and has earned a statewide reputation for passing big-ticket legislation and chairing one of the most powerful committees in Sacramento. Her husband, County Supervisor-elect Nathan Fletcher, will soon be the lone Democrat on the Board of Supervisors, but has already been described by officials from local labor groups as someone they expect to lead their movement in the coming years.

Gonzalez and Fletcher came into the studio for wide-ranging discussion with Scott Lewis on how they met, how they manage a politically-relevant relationship, what they see in the future for San Diego’s Democratic Party and what they gleaned from some of the most closely watched races this year.

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